Ordering DVD's and CD's

Click on CD images to enlarge
You can order your choice of a CD or DVD with
80 - 72 dpi images, suitable
for webpage
work (Royalty Free) or for screensavers for your computer's desktop. We
also have a DVD video slide show of selected images that is perfect for
entertaining guests at home or just playing in the background at the
office. Any one of these can be yours for only $10.00 ea.
View the sample slide show movie on our main page or look at the image
samples on our image page. The DVD slide show comes with relaxing
music and plays full screen on your computer or home big screen
entertainment system.
For orders outside the United States there
will be a shipping and handling fee.
See what photos are included in the DVD/CD
Volume 0 (slide show with music)
Volume 1 (slide show without music)
2 (Civil War Reenactment - Images Only)
3 (Images only without music)
Thank You.
This information is confidential and will never be used by any other source or sold to a third party.
© 2010 Wild Life Etc.
Spokane, Washington